Morabeza digital marketing

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Frequently asked questions

digital marketing involves using digital channels such as social networks, email and websites to promote products or services. It can increase your brand's reach and visibility, engage your target audience and boost sales.

Social networks are fundamental to digital marketing because they allow us to interact directly with the public, build relationships, increase brand loyalty and better understand customer preferences.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) improves the visibility and ranking of your website on search engines. This is crucial for attracting qualified organic traffic, which can increase conversions and brand awareness.

digital marketing uses online platforms to reach the public, such as social networks, emails and websites, offering greater interactivity and measuring results. Traditional marketing, on the other hand, covers media such as television, radio and print, and is often less interactive and more challenging to measure direct impact.

The success of a digital marketing campaign can be measured using various metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR), website traffic, social media engagement, conversion rates and return on investment (ROI). digital analysis tools provide this data to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.

Not necessarily. One of the advantages of digital marketing is its flexibility in terms of budget. Many platforms offer affordable and scalable options, allowing small businesses and startups to start with smaller investments and scale up as they get results.

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